God, you show us the power of Words. The Bible tells us that at Creation
was if you spoke a word over chaos and things began to be ordered, new life
emerging. Some call Jesus your Word,
your declaration that your love knows no bounds and that nothing can separate
us from you and your love. What wonders you reveal with just a few spoken words.
We know that words can heal, lift up spirits, bring reconciliation
and express love and compassion. But we also know that they can deceive, wound
a person’s sense of being, spread lies and half truths that tear down. They can
be formed in ways to manipulate others, inspire unfounded fears, or gain
unchallenged power.
When we speak, give us the words of our mouth that reflect you and
your ways. As we prepare to send an email, a text, a letter, fire off that
response on Facebook or Twitter, give us a pause to ask- it is true? Does it
reflect your ways of love and
compassion, as well as justice? Are we
the ones you desire to speak this in this time, in this place? We long to have
the words of hearts and minds be inspired by you God.
So when forgiveness is sought, give us words of grace to respond.
When we are the ones that need to ask forgiveness, give us words
of humility and accountability.
Refrain us when we would speak with anger and malice, especially
when we have been hurt or feel oh so
Provide the words of healing and reconciliation that are needed so
much in this world right now.
Show us how to speak to bridge the divisions in this country
especially in this time of pandemic.
Help us to hear the vicious words of other for what the often are, words
of anger covering their fear of not being heard, that things are changing, out
of their control.
Bring our leaders to choose words that unite and build community
even when there is disagreement over the ways to address challenges. Silence
those who choose words to sow discontent with each other, hoping to gain power,
prestige, and position by inciting fear of the other.
Give us the actions to mold and revise our institutions and
systems in ways that make true the words so many speak carelessly: justice and
liberty for all.
Inspire us to words of welcome to all those fleeing war and
violence, poverty, seeking medical assistance.
Provide the words of comfort and support, as well as the times for
just silence, to those who are hurting in body, mind, or spirit, and to all who
We lift up all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our
hearts and spirits in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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