Holy One, we stop and remember the events of 9/11-lifting those
killed in the Twin Towers, at the Pentagon, and on Flight 93 during these
attacks. We remember where we were, what we felt, as we tried to take in what
was so rapidly and tragically happening- horrified, sickened, grief-struck,
even scared for our own safety. Continue to to comfort and care for all those
who survived those attacks, the loved ones of those who died, and the
responders who are still dealing with illness and still dying from the attacks
of that day. Remind us that we still have a responsibility to them even now 20
years later.
Help us to remember the other scenes we witnessed that day- shop
owners opening their doors and urging people to come in for shelter. Fire and
rescue, ems, police personnel putting aside their own fears to help others.
Passengers on a plane willingly giving their lives to save others. Bring up for
us also the images of merchants and people giving away food, clean clothes,
swapping heels and dress shoes for sneakers for those who had to walk out of
the city. The feeling that we were one people, politics, race, language,
beliefs, none of that mattered for at least a few days. Even nationality melted
away as acts of remembrance and condolences came in from around the world, from
friends such as England and Japan, and from perceived adversaries as Iran.
Make that the legacy of this day- not a pain that seeks revenge or
retribution, or a life of fear of it happening again. A desire to reach across
those boundaries so that we may experience each day in joy what we instinctively
knew for a few moments that day in pain; we are one, that those distinctions
and labels we apply are false, for we share in the humanity you created us all
to be part of. The reality that we are all your children, and what effects one impacts us all.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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