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Sunday, August 8, 2021

Prayer for the 11th Sunday after Pentecost, August 8, 2021

O God, we are weary. Weary of CoVID. Weary of trying to decide what is best for us and others- to mask or not mask, travel or not travel, vaccine or no vaccine, keep plans or make them.  

We are weary of the accumulating losses – of loved ones, of time with family and friends, of plans, of being able to see smiling faces- and it wears us down.

We are tired of the divides the pandemic creates, as it seems everything we value is on the line depending on what one does or doesn’t do. A divide fed by the weaponization of this pandemic by leaders no matter their party or affiliation. We mourn the loss of compassion and understanding for those who disagree with whatever decision we make.

And so you remind us- come to you and rest. Come to you for we are not alone or left to get through this on our own.

You offer us sanctuary. You offer us a place of retreat-a place for you to nourish us.

Your sanctuary invites us into your love and your care. A place to just be, to recognize again that we are your beloved, no matter what. Lead us to these places O God, whether it be for a brief moment before we speak, an hour in the day to quiet our spirits, or longer, whatever is needed to renew our spirits.

Then when we have rested in your love and care, allow us to be that sanctuary for others, offering a peaceful spirit. Save us from accepting invitations to every debate or fight.  Compel us to look for the beloved in others, no matter how difficult we find it, to listen, to understand even when we don’t agree.

 Yet give us the courage to stand in humility for what we feel is right, especially when it comes to others whose voices may not be heard. Keep us following the ways of Jesus, who somehow lived out with others these practices, knowing love for others meant for all.  

And when fear starts to spill out sideways, through anger and frustration at others such as  servers or friends, by fighting for control over something because we feel at the mercy of the pandemic, help us recognize our fears, and bring them to you rather than bearing them on our own.

And if we are weary O God, how exhausted must be those dealing with other challenges, other disasters on top of this. Whole towns threatened and wiped out by wildfires in California and the west. People impacted these fires that it is changing local weather patterns or blanketing their area with smoke and ash. Nourish them through your love.

And for those dealing with the battles that don’t make social feeds or front pages, those facing illnesses or injury in body, mind or spirit, preparing to take the last breath or watch a loved one do so, who grieve, who face addictions, or whatever pain they may carry- remind them to that you offer them a sanctuary, a place of rest and peace, And if we may be that place, O God, let it be so.

We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.