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Thursday, February 24, 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine and for All


He shall judge between the nations,

    and shall arbitrate for many peoples;

they shall beat their swords into plowshares,

    and their spears into pruning hooks;

nation shall not lift up sword against nation,

    neither shall they learn war any more.” Isaiah 2:4


How long O God, until that day? When will swords and spears be changed into tools to grow food? Will we see the day when tanks and troop carriers are scrapped to build homes? Why aren’t we at the day when rockets are only used for exploring space and fireworks, where soldiers no longer need to serve, pull a trigger, push a button, in order to destroy another’s life as well as chip away at their own?

Honestly, we wonder if there ever that day will be. Even when we are not the ones to start it, how are we to react? Is there ever a time where responding to violence with violence is right? Is there ever a time when you sanction pre-emptive attacks and violence to protect the innocent, or prevent a worse horror than the attacks themselves?

I have no answers to these O God. I once thought I might, but I don’t. Today the news of war anywhere for any reason saddens me, as I consider the people on all sides. Is it ever justified?  Is it ever necessary, to be undertaken reluctantly because there really is no other way to protect others?  All I know is I want it all to end, that there be no need, no use, no thought of military or paramilitary or enemies or weapons or “shock and awe”. How can we with straight faces never mind calm hearts call such acts “peace-keeping”, or “freedom-bringing” or ‘restoring order” when we know they do exactly the opposite?

And so today we pray. We pray for the people of the lands called Ukraine and Russia as they are pulled into a war they don’t want.  We pray for a swift and easy end, brought about by your Spirit and wisdom changing hearts to retreat, resist the call to attack another, and to instead seek reconciliation that is just as well as peaceful.

We pray for the ordinary citizens who are trying to live their lives but now must run to bomb shelters hoping the warning was in time, hoping the shelter will hold. We pray for those who tend to the wounded even as electricity goes out, supplies run low, and their own homes are threatened. We pray for those who leaders send them into battle, while the leaders are protected while telling “their” soldiers that they must shoot, or drop a bomb, send a missile, or drone that will kill other of your beloved children. Protect their humanity, O God, that when this is finished, they still can find hope even in despair, repentance where it might be need, and a resolve to work so that no one else is called to do as they have done.

For the children who may become orphans, for the parents who may become childless, for the spouses who become widows and widowers, for all who’s loved one, friend, classmate, co-worker, neighbor loses their lives because of this reign of death - we hope for comfort and for peace to come back into their lives. 

Jesus tells us that blessed are the peacemakers- show us how to be peacemakers in this world. Give us what we need- humility? compassion? love? - to be your peacemakers until the day comes when no nation will raise a weapon against a neighbor, and no person will seek the death of others for political, ideological, or religious gains.

Help us. Forgive us. Show us a different way. Amen

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Prayer from Sunday, February 20, 2022

 Merciful and loving God, we are grateful that you recognize that we are your beloved child, no matter how much may get in the way. For you made us in your image, a reflection of who you are, and of your desire for us to live lives of joy and abundance within the diversity of your creation and love.

Forgive us when we pile on labels, ideologies, or excuses to not do the same as you do towards other. Infuse your Spirit’s strengthen and perseverance in us when we are tempted to resign ourselves to “that’s just how it is”, or are called coward or worse when we refuse to hate, or treat others as an enemies. Remind us that Jesus calls us to follow him not only in refraining from acts of hate, Jesus calls us to reach out with respect, care, and compassion to those who may not or will not do the same towards us.

The possibility of war between Russia and Ukraine fills us with apprehension. If possible bring about a peace that is just and that doesn’t require one solider to fire upon another.

Is there no end to the political tensions in our country. No longer is it reserved for elections or between politicians. It spills out into our social media, communities, neighborhoods. When there is temptation to see others who disagree as enemies or adversaries, transform us into peacemakers who find ways to foster respect of persons, even when there is disagreement over ideas, options, or other possible dividers.

This past week and into the coming one, storms throughout the US and world bringing freezing temperatures, snow and ice to places not equipped to handle them, where homes are equipped with the heat or insulation for these conditions. Grant wisdom to people to stay off roads and away from places so that those who are tasked with clearing roadways, providing emergency services, and other necessities can safely and efficiently do their work. Prompt with compassion neighbors to check on the safety of other neighbors , especially those who are alone.

We pray for wholeness as you see fit for those who are hurting in body, in mind, in spirit.  May they experience your peace, your comfort, your strength.

For those who grieve losses of any kind, surround them with comfort and with joyful memories so that there may come the day where even as they still grieve, they are no longer filled with despair.

We pray this all in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Prayer for Sunday, February 13, 2022

 And I am back. I took a little longer of a break from posting as I got settled here in my new call at St. Johns UCC in Fountain City, WI and Hope UCC in Cochrane, WI.  My husband remains in Florida until late March as he finishes recovery from a last minute hospitalization just before Christmas and the move here. (He developed an infection that required surgery- that is fully recovered and now he is working well towards recovering mobility after two weeks in bed in the hospital.) 

I earned my Doctor of Ministry in Family, Youth, and Culture at the end of November 2021. Now that I have a large chunk of time free from that, and that I am settling in here, my desire is to start doing some more blogging on my thoughts once we move into Lent. 

I hope to be posting my weekly Pastoral Prayer a day or two after that Sunday, and then spending some time sharing my thoughts under the subtitle "not that you asked, but..." . Thanks for being part of this journey.

Pastoral Prayer for February 13, 2022

Gracious God, you do not judge us by our circumstances or current position.  Why do we so often fail to do the same with ourselves or others? We love to create checklists of things to do that will tell us we are good or worthwhile, or what to avoid so we aren’t worthless or wrong. We form questions where the right answer means we are good and “in”, and the incorrect answer means we are wrong and “out”.

 When we are drawn to using these as measurements of worth, remind us that your only measurement is being your beloved child. Remind us the only question we need ask is “our we acting in the same love and compassion we see revealed in Jesus, and so reflecting your love and ways to the world?”

For the good news Jesus shared with his first disciples is needed still.

We long for a world where no longer there are those go without having their needs met, while some have more than needed for a thousand people as they only desire to amass more. Help us to live fully into your realm where not only do all have enough, but where those with more use their abundance freely and joyfully to provide what for the needs of others.

So many hunger for more than food O God. They long for justice, for the end of hatred and racism, for the establishment of a just peace. Wherever and whenever there is any type of hunger, bring about the ways of fulfilling such needs not only for a moment, but for eternity.

For those who weep O God, we long that they receive comfort.  When we are the ones who are grieved or pained, remind us that even in our sorrow or emptiness, we are still held in your love and care, still beloved by you.  

And for those who are hurting in body, mind, and spirit, we long that they experience the wholeness of life as your beloved child.  Provide relief from pain, peace even in its midst, and times of joy that reflect your desires of love for them. 

In these and all our prayers, when we can be part of your answers, give us the humility, courage, and love to do so.

We lift up all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and minds, in Jesus’ name. Amen.