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Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2022

Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday 2022

 Apologies for late post. Thought I had done this Sunday.

Most Holy and Loving God, we hear how Peter, James and John recognized your glory and presence in your beloved Son, Jesus. Renew in us the recognition of your glorious love and presence alive in the world and with us today.

We can easily miss that you are here, already working for good of all, for we become overcome by the places of pain we witness, as well as experience ourselves.

We see it in the Ukraine, as  Russian forces invade. We know that this is just the most visible place where violence and acts of death and destruction are being waged. Mournfully we recognize that this is but one area where armies fight, and leaders seek to expand their power and influence at the expense of the lives of others. In Myanmar government planes execute airstrikes as war continues after a military coupe, civil war continues in Syria, and North Korea again is attempting to intimidate with missile tests- and if only in these places, these wars would be too many. Too often war and acts of war are seen as solutions to problems, or ways to gain more land, power, influence. We pray for peace in these places we named, and wherever acts of violence are inflicted. 

Yet it isn’t just with weapons that we have found ways to inflict violence. We commit acts of violence against the earth, abusing, using and destroying your creation in pursuit of progress or profit. As we grapple with the effects our ongoing disregard has on us and others, grant us the humility and perseverance to live in a different way, one that honors the gift of creation instead of desecrating it.

These past weeks have also brought us verdicts in the cases arising from the killing of Ahmaud Arbery , and George Floyd, cases that highlight how far we still need to go to end hatred and fear based on the shade of skin of another. Transfigure our hearts to reveal a love that seeks reconciliation over revenge or retribution, a reconciliation that can only come about with the telling of the truth of wrongs committed, fears felt, and humanity diminished as it seeks your justice for all your children.  

Equip us to cherish your glory present in each of us, in every human being, and in the wonder of your creation, in the same way Peter was awed by your presence in Jesus. For if we can, how could we live in ways that diminish the lives of others and of this world?

We pray all this in Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

A Prayer for Ukraine and for All


He shall judge between the nations,

    and shall arbitrate for many peoples;

they shall beat their swords into plowshares,

    and their spears into pruning hooks;

nation shall not lift up sword against nation,

    neither shall they learn war any more.” Isaiah 2:4


How long O God, until that day? When will swords and spears be changed into tools to grow food? Will we see the day when tanks and troop carriers are scrapped to build homes? Why aren’t we at the day when rockets are only used for exploring space and fireworks, where soldiers no longer need to serve, pull a trigger, push a button, in order to destroy another’s life as well as chip away at their own?

Honestly, we wonder if there ever that day will be. Even when we are not the ones to start it, how are we to react? Is there ever a time where responding to violence with violence is right? Is there ever a time when you sanction pre-emptive attacks and violence to protect the innocent, or prevent a worse horror than the attacks themselves?

I have no answers to these O God. I once thought I might, but I don’t. Today the news of war anywhere for any reason saddens me, as I consider the people on all sides. Is it ever justified?  Is it ever necessary, to be undertaken reluctantly because there really is no other way to protect others?  All I know is I want it all to end, that there be no need, no use, no thought of military or paramilitary or enemies or weapons or “shock and awe”. How can we with straight faces never mind calm hearts call such acts “peace-keeping”, or “freedom-bringing” or ‘restoring order” when we know they do exactly the opposite?

And so today we pray. We pray for the people of the lands called Ukraine and Russia as they are pulled into a war they don’t want.  We pray for a swift and easy end, brought about by your Spirit and wisdom changing hearts to retreat, resist the call to attack another, and to instead seek reconciliation that is just as well as peaceful.

We pray for the ordinary citizens who are trying to live their lives but now must run to bomb shelters hoping the warning was in time, hoping the shelter will hold. We pray for those who tend to the wounded even as electricity goes out, supplies run low, and their own homes are threatened. We pray for those who leaders send them into battle, while the leaders are protected while telling “their” soldiers that they must shoot, or drop a bomb, send a missile, or drone that will kill other of your beloved children. Protect their humanity, O God, that when this is finished, they still can find hope even in despair, repentance where it might be need, and a resolve to work so that no one else is called to do as they have done.

For the children who may become orphans, for the parents who may become childless, for the spouses who become widows and widowers, for all who’s loved one, friend, classmate, co-worker, neighbor loses their lives because of this reign of death - we hope for comfort and for peace to come back into their lives. 

Jesus tells us that blessed are the peacemakers- show us how to be peacemakers in this world. Give us what we need- humility? compassion? love? - to be your peacemakers until the day comes when no nation will raise a weapon against a neighbor, and no person will seek the death of others for political, ideological, or religious gains.

Help us. Forgive us. Show us a different way. Amen