Prayer for Sunday July 4, 2021, Sixth Sunday of Pentecost
Holy One, today this nation celebrates the freedoms envisioned in the nation’s founding documents, giving thanks for where they incorporate your wisdom. We celebrate that they include the freedom to recognize where even those words may limit others’ rights. then to repent and change until everyone can live into the vision expressed by the words: “all… are created equal”, and that all have right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. We give thanks that among those ideals is one that reflects the reality of your love- that each voice matters, and that no other human has the right to attempt to push any group aside.
We do not always agree with what those words mean, or how to live them out. Forgive us when in our struggles and disagreements we limit the rights of other, use demonization that degrades any of your children, or resort to violence of words or weapons.
For the freedoms we celebrate as a nation are but a reflection of the
liberties you offer all your children, no matter where they live, no matter
their national or ethnic identity.
We rejoice each day that through your reign and ways we can live lives that go beyond mere happiness to abundant joy. For no one can take away the freedom of your love that is open and offered to every person, without label or rank.
The freedom that Jesus embodies, of compassion that seeks the good of people above rules and regulations.
There is the liberty that comes with the recognition of the wonders of your designing us to be interdependent. You lead us to shake off the false narrative that we are left on our own throughout life so we can embrace the joys of shared life with you and with all your children.
You offer us liberation from all that would bind us, be it with actual handcuffs or chains and locked rooms, or if we are held captive by our own fears, hate, or the oppression of others.
And even in times of illness, pain, and grief you free us from the fear that death will have the final word, or that anything can separate us from your love and care. For all of this, we offer our humble gratitude and praise.
We lift all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and spirits, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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