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Sunday, June 27, 2021

 Prayer for Fifth Sunday After Pentecost- June 27, 2021

We marvel at how you care for us all O God, always with us, reaching out with love, care, strength- whatever you know we need. All the while you join the cries of those imploring us to live with justice, and for liberation, reconciliation, relief from inequities and outright harm.

And yet we struggle to do even a fraction of the same. We become so self focused on “mine”:  “My goals, my obligations, my commitments”. Do we do this because of fear? pride? Our own hurts? Is that why we hear these cries as intrusions, interruptions, even dangers to our lives.

And yet some of these cries do break through to our ears and into hearts. So this morning we lift those up to you.

Watching the families wait for word about their loved ones in Surfside is agonizing O God, but not as agonizing as for them and for you. Where we can be of service- send us. We pray for miracles, even as we know no matter what comes, you weep with the families, strengthen the search and rescue workers, and prepare others to be of comfort and aid for what lies ahead.

The sentencing of Derek Chauvin this week reopened unhealed wounds from the death of George Floyd, and decadesof racism and oppression. Show us how to be  join you in your work of justice here, not of retribution or revenge  Lead us to join you in your justice which that brings liberation from hate, frees institutions and systems from the vestiges of racism implanted decades and centuries ago, and ultimately brings about reconciliation and community celebrating differences among those of all races.

As Pride month draws to a close we give thanks for the progress for our  LBGTQIA+ siblings that leads more fully to the recognition that who one loves or how one identifies defies labeling by others. Yet we also mourn there are still words, actions, and legislation that seeks to degrade them, limit their lives, otherwise deny their fully dignity and humanity, and at times take the breathe from their bodies.  Forgive us when we fail to act or speak up, to stand with any of our siblings in your family when others would attack them with words, laws, or fists.

We think of those who are hurting in other ways, in body, mind or spirt due to illness, disease or injury. Continue to bring them your peace and strength as well as those to serve as your heart  and hands. 

Comfort those who mourn, blanketing them in your love until they again can glimpse that the future can hold joy, and despair can end even amidst their tears.

 We lift up all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and spirits, in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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