And I am back. I took a little longer of a break from posting as I got settled here in my new call at St. Johns UCC in Fountain City, WI and Hope UCC in Cochrane, WI. My husband remains in Florida until late March as he finishes recovery from a last minute hospitalization just before Christmas and the move here. (He developed an infection that required surgery- that is fully recovered and now he is working well towards recovering mobility after two weeks in bed in the hospital.)
I earned my Doctor of Ministry in Family, Youth, and Culture at the end of November 2021. Now that I have a large chunk of time free from that, and that I am settling in here, my desire is to start doing some more blogging on my thoughts once we move into Lent.
I hope to be posting my weekly Pastoral Prayer a day or two after that Sunday, and then spending some time sharing my thoughts under the subtitle "not that you asked, but..." . Thanks for being part of this journey.
Pastoral Prayer for February 13, 2022
Gracious God, you do not judge us by our circumstances or current position. Why do we so often fail to do the same with ourselves or others? We love to create checklists of things to do that will tell us we are good or worthwhile, or what to avoid so we aren’t worthless or wrong. We form questions where the right answer means we are good and “in”, and the incorrect answer means we are wrong and “out”.
When we are drawn to using these as measurements of worth, remind us that your only measurement is being your beloved child. Remind us the only question we need ask is “our we acting in the same love and compassion we see revealed in Jesus, and so reflecting your love and ways to the world?”
For the good news Jesus shared with his first disciples is needed still.
We long for a world where no longer there are those go without having their needs met, while some have more than needed for a thousand people as they only desire to amass more. Help us to live fully into your realm where not only do all have enough, but where those with more use their abundance freely and joyfully to provide what for the needs of others.
So many hunger for more than food O God. They long for justice, for the end of hatred and racism, for the establishment of a just peace. Wherever and whenever there is any type of hunger, bring about the ways of fulfilling such needs not only for a moment, but for eternity.
For those who weep O God, we long that they receive comfort. When we are the ones who are grieved or pained, remind us that even in our sorrow or emptiness, we are still held in your love and care, still beloved by you.
And for those who are hurting in body, mind, and spirit, we long that they experience the wholeness of life as your beloved child. Provide relief from pain, peace even in its midst, and times of joy that reflect your desires of love for them.
In these and all our prayers, when we can be part of your answers, give us the humility, courage, and love to do so.
We lift up all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and minds, in Jesus’ name. Amen.