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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Prayer from October 17, 2021

It is amazing God, that your desire for us to serve you is not what we might expect. You don’t ask us to please you so that you provide us what we need, or to sacrifice all to make monuments or statutes to your name. You don’t desire worship at your feet to so that you can bask in words of praise that build your ego. Instead, it is serve you with love, through reaching out to those whose cries you hear, who are hurting, and those who are treated as less than your beloved children. You ask us to turn our hearts towards serving the needs of your children, our siblings, in your universal family- serving in the ways that we witness Jesus do.

And so this morning, we look to you for ways that we can do for others O God.  We seek the humility and compassion that Jesus exudes, longing to teach us as we follow his steps in your ways.

When we would myopically focus on ourselves, concerned with only how something impacts us personally, open our spirits to others.

When we seek your interventions in the challenges and suffering of the world, remind us that you ask us to become part of your work. Provide us direction as we long for: 


               Freedom for those who are oppressed,

                The end to violence in all its forms,

               And that all who hunger for food, for water, for medical care                                   and safe housing be satisfied.


When we pray for the end to all hate and discrimination, remind us that you have already provide to each of us what is needed for the elimination of the vestiges of racism and other isms that infest our systems, institutions, and sometimes even our very self.

 Where we lack the humility to do so, grant it to us- where we would confuse accountability for making changes that eradicate these vestiges of hate with being blamed or judged as causing them, move us to put aside our pride and instead be more concerned with how systemic racism, misogyny and other forms of hate and fear of differences affect others. Give us the willingness to bear the cost that may come with such changes, reminding us of those who have paid the cost for centuries on their own. 

We hope that this pandemic is heading towards an end. As it does, give us the willingness to reach across the divides, to sit at the same table and with others with whom we may disagree. Even if they are not returned, move us to reach out to them with love and compassion.

Remind us that serving others may not bring us praise, or adulation- for Jesus was often criticized, even violently opposed. He continued to serve by refusing to return the violence and instead accept death as another act of love, revealing a different way.


                   For it through our actions of dignity towards all                                                           that your love is expressed,

               Your love is experience in our acts of compassion,

               In our welcome and embrace of all people as your children                                       your grace and reconciling ways are spread.


We lift up these and all the prayers of our hearts and spirits in Jesus’ name. Amen.



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