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Monday, August 8, 2022

A Prayer for the 9th Sunday after Pentecost

 Time flies. I thought I hadn't posted in two weeks...and it turns out since the end of May. 

Holy One, you long to give us what is good and right, and yet too often we are afraid to let go so there is room for them in our spirits and lives. We worry even though it does us no good and can harm our health. We rely only on ourselves and our own efforts when you have created us to be in mutual relationship with you and others. We miss your surprising graces because we have narrowed our vision.

Yet you still reach out to us, and ask us to reach out to you. So this morning we lift up to you our simple prayers for your reign of love and grace-filled justice to be evident to us and others in these places, situations and lives.

For those dealing with drought and the fire dangers that accompany it. Protect those who give of themselves to fight the fires that even now tear through nature and homes alike.

We remember those whose lives are beset by violence, whether of weapon, fist, or word, seeking your peace.

So many are in need of food and clean water – fill their plates and cups with what nourishes as well as fills empty stomachs.

For those held by the chains of addictions of all types and forms we ask for release and new life.

We lift up to you those we love and care about who are ill, who are hurting, who are facing surgery or recovery whether it be in body, mind or spirit, asking for your good will to become evident in their lives, as well as your rest and strength.

As grief enters some lives and continues in others, provide a safe space for them to share all that they feel, while bringing your comfort and hope.

And so, where you have already given us what we need to be the answer to our prayers, give us the faith to do so even through our fears.

Where you would send us to become part of your answer to these or other’s prayers, fill us with your Spirit that sent Jesus into the world filled with compassion and love.

We lift up these prayers as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and minds.  Amen. 

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