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Monday, March 21, 2022

Pastoral Prayer for Sunday March 20, 2022- Third Sunday in Lent

 Gracious and merciful God, we are grateful that you do “give a fig” about us so much that through Jesus you draw closer to us when we cannot or will not draw closer to you. You long for all your children to live lives in which they flourish, both for ourselves and for each other. Change us so that we not only can see as you do, but live as Jesus did- under your joyful, abundant reign sharing it with others.

We are having trouble seeing that reality right now, O  God. The pandemic isolated us even as the measures taken were necessary to protected the most vulnerable. The escalating rhetoric around politics, policies, race, and all the “blaming” pointing to others without looking at themselves, the shaming; all raises fears that only isolate us more. Our own hurt, feelings of betrayal, abonnement, or wrongs done against us block us, so that we think  your way can’t work and  that “worlds” ways are our only option. Reassure us that repentance is possible, that the reality of your love and grace frees us from all that would seemingly push us away from you and each other.

Not that we have completely lost that sense of connection. Our collective horror and pain over the war waging in the Ukraine remind us that we still long to live lives together that accept your love and joy. Free us from all that prevents us from reaching out with ways of welcome and care, as well as being your peace bearers there and anywhere others use violence to resolve conflicts or advance their own wants and ideals.

Show us again how to reach out to each other, to refrain from judging who does or doesn’t deserve good, as we humbly recognize that we do not have the complete view you have. Restore in us the impulse to acts of kindness and hospitality. Help us long to listen to understand and learn more than to speak and insist on our views. Bring us to reach out again for the healing you offer, to let go of our hurts and resentments no matter how long it takes, so that we may be free to reach out to others in vulnerability and love.

We lift up all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and spirits in the name of Jesus. Amen

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Pastoral Prayer for Sunday March 13, 2022- Second Sunday in Lent

Ever calling, Ever-reaching God, we are grateful that you never give up on your longing to bring us into your love and care.

Yet we resist, choosing to scatter or to run towards other people, places, or ideas whicch slyly lure us with false promises of security and love. Continue to call us, until we finally run to you to be captured by your embrace, finally recognizing that we are your beloved children, each and every one of us.

Continue to call all to live under your wings of love and ways until we finally are united as your family there. For there are so many people, so many places where foxes still lure us and others into danger and pain. Hear us now as we ask seek your care and shelter for a few of those on our heart.

The continuing invasion of the Ukraine by Russia pains us for all involved. Bring them into your refuge providing, healing, reconciliation and your true peace that can never be found in guns or missiles. Continue to call us as peacemakers, until the day when your children no longer see each other as predators or prey.

We are grateful that the number of CoVID cases has decreased. Remind us that even as the numbers of cases decrease, there are still many who are experiencing the devastating effects of this disease months afterwards "recovering". Keeping us mindful and caring of them when we rather push them aside so we can forget the pain of these past two years.

Where we have scattered not only from you but from each other, ready to fight each other than rather join together under your love to face our challenges together, keep calling us back to you, and to each other. 

For those who are hurting in body, mind or spirit, who are grieving losses of loved ones and all kind, bringing them into the shelter of your presence to find a place where they can pour out all they feel from anger to sadness to peace to joy, all the while knowing you care. 

We lift up these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and minds in the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Pastoral Prayer for First Sunday in Lent and Communion Sunday, 2022

Holy and Gracious God, you come to us in Jesus not to condemn us, but rescue us. You urge us to allow you to release us from all that we block off living the life you intend for all: one of love, health, wholeness, and peace in relationship with you and each other.  Help us to see Lent not as a time of sorrow or punishment, but as a time for reflection and letting go of what we hold onto that keeps us from experiencing these restored relationships.

We seek that restoration for ourselves, and for all who are in need of it:

We long for peace in the world wherever acts or threats of war rule, thinking of the Ukrainians fleeing their homes or standing their ground under the attacks driven by one man, as well as all those forced to fight.

Bring health to those where personal or societal poverty brings lack of food, clean water, medical care, and all that is necessary for healthful lives.

Build wholeness wherever relationships, bodies and spirits, communities and nations are divided and fractured, restoring or making new connections that embrace diversity as well as what is held in common.

Show us how to love as Jesus loved with actions of giving, outreach, and welcome.

We pray this all in Jesus name. Amen. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Prayer for Transfiguration Sunday 2022

 Apologies for late post. Thought I had done this Sunday.

Most Holy and Loving God, we hear how Peter, James and John recognized your glory and presence in your beloved Son, Jesus. Renew in us the recognition of your glorious love and presence alive in the world and with us today.

We can easily miss that you are here, already working for good of all, for we become overcome by the places of pain we witness, as well as experience ourselves.

We see it in the Ukraine, as  Russian forces invade. We know that this is just the most visible place where violence and acts of death and destruction are being waged. Mournfully we recognize that this is but one area where armies fight, and leaders seek to expand their power and influence at the expense of the lives of others. In Myanmar government planes execute airstrikes as war continues after a military coupe, civil war continues in Syria, and North Korea again is attempting to intimidate with missile tests- and if only in these places, these wars would be too many. Too often war and acts of war are seen as solutions to problems, or ways to gain more land, power, influence. We pray for peace in these places we named, and wherever acts of violence are inflicted. 

Yet it isn’t just with weapons that we have found ways to inflict violence. We commit acts of violence against the earth, abusing, using and destroying your creation in pursuit of progress or profit. As we grapple with the effects our ongoing disregard has on us and others, grant us the humility and perseverance to live in a different way, one that honors the gift of creation instead of desecrating it.

These past weeks have also brought us verdicts in the cases arising from the killing of Ahmaud Arbery , and George Floyd, cases that highlight how far we still need to go to end hatred and fear based on the shade of skin of another. Transfigure our hearts to reveal a love that seeks reconciliation over revenge or retribution, a reconciliation that can only come about with the telling of the truth of wrongs committed, fears felt, and humanity diminished as it seeks your justice for all your children.  

Equip us to cherish your glory present in each of us, in every human being, and in the wonder of your creation, in the same way Peter was awed by your presence in Jesus. For if we can, how could we live in ways that diminish the lives of others and of this world?

We pray all this in Jesus name. Amen.