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Monday, April 18, 2022

Prayer for Easter Sunday, 2022


God, what can we offer to you in prayer that could be worthy of what you have done? You have brought sun out of darkness, refusing to let death have the final word, even when we bring that death on ourselves.

For you wrought resurrection this morning, creating new life from the ashes of hope, and bringing grace to places of shame and regret. You declare that no matter how hard we or others try, nothing can separate your children from your love. Your actions reveal that nothing will prevent the coming of your reign of reconciliation, your ways of true justice, and provide us liberation from death in all its forms.

Enable us to express our gratitude by following the Risen One, even now at loose in this world.  That we may follow Jesus into the places of poverty, hunger, violence, hurt, and hate, no matter if they be close to home or in places far away.

Help us to embrace the truth that even where there is pain, there is still your love and care. The reality of  Christ weeping with us even while bringing us to places of comfort, hope, and life.   

Reveal for all the people, places, and times it seems that despair is unending, pain and illness unrelenting, hunger and poverty insurmountable, where Jesus is already present, and where we are called to join him there.

Destroy the barriers we erect during those times we feel that what we have done or what we have failed t do keeps us trapped, isolated, permanently separated from You and from others, so that we can live in your reign of grace upon grace and reconciliation.

You have brought life out death, hope out of the ashes of despair this day, and continue to each day until your reign of love fully encompasses each person. With our gratitude may we join the Risen One wherever we hear his call to come, follow him.  In Jesus name. Amen.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Pastoral Prayer for the 6th Sunday in Lent


How often we act in the same way as the older son in Jesus; parable, O God, refusing to enter fully join you in joy because of the company you keep. How grateful we are that when we do, you stand with us, loving us as we are unable to love others, until we too can join joyfully saying“the dead are now alive, the lost have been found!” Until we recognize that we are just as lost as others, and that you are just as eager to welcome us home.

We recognize that there are so many people, so many places, where people don’t feel welcomed even in the own homes, where they are experiencing lack due to no fault of their own. Here us now as offer these simple prayers for them and for us:

    Peace in Ukraine and all places violence exists,

    Enough for those who are hungry for anything from food to your justice,

    Gratitude for the beauty of your creation and remorse for how many times             we’ve neglected it,

    For all hurting, in body, mind or Spirit, as well as those grieving losses of any         kind, whether recent or long ago.We offer these prayers to your compassionate care, seeking your Spirit so that we can be part of your care.

We lift all these prayers, as well as the unspoken ones of our hearts and minds in the name of Jesus. Amen.